Danny Li11/23/2023

Mastering Moderation: How to Become a Great Meeting Moderator


Leading a meeting is no small feat, and moderation plays a pivotal role in ensuring its success. Becoming an exceptional meeting moderator is not just about controlling the conversation, but enabling and empowering every participant. Let's delve into the traits and practices of great meeting moderators.

1. Prepare Ahead

Like any endeavor, moderation benefits from preparation. Understand the meeting's objectives, the participants, and any potential challenges that might arise.

2. Set the Tone

As a moderator, your demeanor sets the tone. Begin with a positive attitude, clear ground rules, and an open mind. Encourage constructive dialogue and discourage any disruptive behavior.

3. Active Listening

Listen more than you speak. This allows you to gauge the room, understand concerns, and steer the conversation effectively.

4. Ensure Participation

Encourage quieter members to share their views and ensure that no single individual dominates the conversation.

5. Manage Time Effectively

Stick to the agenda, allocate specific times for each topic, and ensure the meeting starts and ends punctually.

6. Handle Conflicts

Disagreements can arise; it's the nature of collaboration. It's your role to mediate, steer conversations back on track, and ensure a respectful environment.

7. Summarize and Conclude

At the end, summarize key points, decisions made, and any follow-up actions. This reinforces the meeting's outcomes and provides clarity.

8. Seek Feedback

Continuous improvement is vital. After the meeting, seek feedback on how you can improve as a moderator. It's an ongoing learning process.

In Conclusion

Meeting moderation is an art that blends leadership, diplomacy, and organization. With practice and the above guidelines, you can refine this skill, ensuring productive and harmonious meetings.